Saturday 23 March 2013

Nyah Sketches (Daughter)

Character designs for the daughter Nyah

Above you can see a selection of character designs for the young female protagonist character named Nyah. I wanted her to keep her childish features and be a tomboy like her mum (mini me). The hair was a challenge as I wanted ethnic styles (afro, curly and plaits) which I have not drawn before, so it was fun to experiment.

Features: To make Nyah look young I made sure she had a bigger head and eyes, with knobbly knees and elbows. 

Clothing: I designed her in normal/ neutral clothes and then in archaeologist attire such as trench coat/shirt, sun hat, equipment belt and shorts. The colours will be brown natural shades.

Other items: Aeroplane for the map scene, diary, light bulb for bright idea scene, hammer, spatula, magnifying glass and toast for breakfast scene.

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