Sunday 31 March 2013

Childrens Cartoon Website Research

Cbbc Webiste top half

Key notes: Cbbc at top left, activity banner, video playng, characters at the side, alphabet banner, thumbnails, bright colourful.
Cbbc website bottom half
Key notes: Live chats with other members, cbbc tv guide, news, thumbnail  list of character, visuals

Rastamouse official website
 Key Notes: characters lined up, objects as buttons to take you to next page, background, stood on grass, region, twitter, facebook, youtube thumbnails

Dora the explorer Nick Jr website
Key Notes: younger audience softer colours visable, less objects on the screen, neat, thumbnails for charaters, simple layoout less busy than CBBC.

My idea is to create a mock up of a possible website that can promote my cartoon and offer additional activities for the audience. Using these examples i have an idea of the layout and colours to use.

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