Wednesday 11 July 2012

BBC comissioning notes from website

Pitching TV Ideas

Q. Where do I send my ideas ?

A. Details of how to submit programme proposals from members of the public are here. Inhouse teams and independent production companies should submit their programme proposal via e-Commissioning.
Q. What information do I need to give you in my proposal ?

A. Full details are given in the Pitching Ideas section.

Q: What happens if I've got a cross-genre idea?

A: We realise that not all programme ideas may fit into one of our genre categories but may straddle two (or more) genre. We positively welcome these genre-busting ideas and fully understand that our new structure has to deal with a complex multi-genre multi-media world where programmes don't sit in neat categories. Select the genre you think is most appropriate through the e-Commissioning system. If its more appropriate to come through another genre then they will speak to that genre about your idea. However if you submit the idea to more than one genre then you must indicate this. 

Q: I've got an idea with an interactive element. Where do I send it ?

A: You can still send the idea to the relevant genre team or National contact. They will liase with New Media as appropriate to ensure that we explore the interactive potential of your idea. 

Q. Can I send my proposal to more than one genre / commissioner / production area ?

A. Yes you can but you must indicate if you are offering to more than one commissioner. 

Q. Can I continue to offer through my existing Production contact ?

A. ALL proposals must now be submitted via the e-Commissioning system. (this is an online database within the BBC website)

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